News (41)
Program: M-ERA.NET Call 2021
Project Acronym: 3DNano-HPC
Project Coordinator: JLU Technologies Ltd, Latvia
The objective of the project is the development of innovative 3D biotextile materials based on the establishment of a technological platform, to produce innovative high-performance composite. It represents the complete chain of production, from technological development of new textile to bio-testing applications, and, therefore, provides feedback within the system for optimization of processing requirements, an approach that has not been applied to the previous generation of biotextile materials.
Potential benefits: extension of boundaries to the protective properties of the 3D biotextiles, provide enhanced protection against different frequency & density electromagnetic fields 50 Hz low frequencies, Radiofrequency range, as well protection from ultraviolet radiation and will create of the mechanical barrier from the negatively charged micro pollutant particles.
A new material is very important under contemporary conditions when the majority of population lives in urbanized areas steadily affected with electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet radiation of high intensity and pollutant particles.
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- 23 Dec 2021
Dr.sc.ing. Inga Lasenko & team (Head of Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory, Riga Technical University) offers the ECO-SMART-Textile to protect the car cabin in the event of fire inside.
The facing of car interior consists of natural (e. g., leather furnish) or artificial textile materials, which, even with a special fire-resistant treatment, lights up within a few seconds (in the case of fire source in the cabin).
In the case of such fire, every second can be decisive in order to ensure that passengers can get out from the burning vehicle.
ECO-SMART-Textile can be the best decision to protect a car cabin from fire. ECO-SMART-Textile reinforced with an innovative substance (gel and capsules) capable of extinguishing arising flames just in a few seconds.
ECO-SMART-Textile is flexible, mechanically resistant, multibendable, light and thin.
Using of the textile is a classic technique, as textiles are used in one way or another in all areas of the industry.
A number advantages of this upholstery choice can be shown: the textile base is able to take the 3D shape of the interior surface of the cabin; the interlacing of the fibers gives additional strength to the entire applique; the fibers used are natural, renewable raw materials. The composition of the textile base includes: linen, cotton and amber fibers. The raw material combination of the fibers and weaves is carefully thought out. The basis of the fabric includes: linen yarns (strength, low flammability), cotton yarns (softness, flexibility, elasticity) and composite amber fibers (patented the invention, has a brand AMBELIKA®) - unique versatile properties, the main thing is anti-fungal effect.
Condensation water (even in small quantities) can form in the cabin for various reasons, provoking the development of fungi, the spores which seriously harm human health, as well could damage the cabin interior trim. Hereby, it is very important to create a natural (non-chemical) barrier. The solution may be composite amber fibers with their unique anti-fungal properties.
The application ECO-SMART-Textile is capable to create a reliable protective barrier (test results, proposed Know-How) and is necessary for the interior of a modern, highly competitive car. The buyer will not hesitate to choose this product in the car market.
The application ECO-SMART-Textile combines perfect quality, reliability, safety, environmental friendliness, local raw materials, it is an unrivaled success and you need it for perfect car!
- News
- 07 Jun 2021
RTU Leading Researcher Dr.sc.ing. Inga Ļašenko received Award of 2021 Year in Education and Research from Latvian Federation of Security and Defense Industries
The Leading Researcher at Riga Technical University’s, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics; Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Department of Theoretical mechanics and material resistances, Leader of the Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory, Dr.sc.ing. Inga Ļašenko received Award of 2021 Year in Education and Research upon the theme “Textile material that reduces infrared and ultraviolet radiation in the thermal spectrum”.
As a result of interdisciplinary international cooperation between RTU, Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory (accredited laboratory), Institute of Biology the University of Latvia (Laboratory of Environmental Genetics) and Nature Research Center, Lithuania (Laboratory of Molecular Ecology), working together in several international projects have been developed and tested effective, relatively cheap and rapid biotesting methods for determining the effects of biotextiles and their components, including nanoparticles, on cells and organisms.
A group of methods for determining the protective properties of textiles against the effects of electromagnetic fields of various wavelengths also has been developed.
“In modern combat using unmanned aerial vehicles, infrared radiation makes it very easy to detect living objects in the forest. We have managed to create a high quality fabric that is invisible under infrared and heat absorbing video surveillance equipment.
A creative and scientific approach to the study of the problem is based on knowledge of textile technology, physics (optical properties of materials), chemistry of textile fibers. This material effectively hides living objects from the thermal cameras. In our sample, we made an universal product - a sleeping bag, poncho, camouflage suit and stretcher. But most importantly, it effectively hides from surveillance of the unmanned aerial vehicles, equipped with infrared video surveillance devices.
The product fully meets the requirements for the development of certain protective properties, i.e. an improvement has been achieved: the temperature difference between the environment (objects) and the masked object not exceed 2oC”, - says Inga Ļašenko.
Currently, Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory (RTU) has the potential to develop the biotextiles almost any degree of complexity, including nanocomposite biotextiles, as well as to prepare a scientifically based expert opinion about the quality of biotextiles based on European Standards.
Cooperation with leading European institutes for the biotextiles development (Schulung Grundlagen der Textiltechnik am Institut für Textiltechnik (RWTH) Aachen, Germany; Centexbel, the scientific and technical centre of the Belgian Textile industry; University of Rouen Normandy - UFR Science and Technology, France; University of Rome «La Sapienza», Faculty of Engineering, Rome, Italy; AITEX, Instituto Tecnológico Textil / Textile Research Institute, Spain, and others) provides an opportunity to develop innovative technologies and promote Latvian developments in the field of biotextiles in Europe and the World.
The Award of 2021 Year in Education and Research area from the Latvian Federation of Security and Defense Industries is awarded by an interdisciplinary jury, composed of representatives of the Latvian Federation of Security and Defense Industries, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Education and Science.
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- 29 Mar 2021
With the financial support of the Riga 2014 Foundation, within the framework of project Amber Road: Towards the Future of Latvia in the World a scientific expedition along the ancient amber road was organized.
Since ancient time amber was the reason for traveling, adventures, meeting with strangers and Exchange of information, which always leads to the augmentation of beauty and wisdom. As well as the team of Rīga 2014 for four years trying to do the same, creating adventure and educational serial "Northern side" („Ziemeļu puse”). Therefore, on October 29, the creative team of Riga 2014 and „Vides Filmu Studija” (VFS) will hit the road, in order to verify, that no it would be so that cornerstone of Baltic Region civilizations made of succinite which is scientific name of amber. The team will go through the ancient Amber route to rediscover this material, which every Latvian considers every as purest symbol of Latvianness, to learn it in different aspects - the magic, medical, economic, geological, technological, chemical, gastronomic, linguistic and symbolic.
This will be the first expedition along the new Amber Route in the European Capital of Culture year project. The members of the eight-day expedition made their way from Prague to Zurich, a total of more than 1 700 kilometers, crossing seven countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
Vienna ---> Olomouc ---> Brno ---> Breclav-Petronell-Carmuntum ---> Bernstein ---> Sopron ---> Savaria ---> Maribor ---> Ptuj ---> Ljubljana ---> Zurich
The expedition team will explore the presence of Baltic amber and its influence in these countries and will establish contacts for new cooperation projects. Expedition members will achieve it by meeting renowned scientists, knowledgeable museum curators, amber research enthusiasts and, simply very interesting people.
The members of the expedition will be Vita Timermane-Moora, curator of the Rīga 2014 Amber Vein chapter, Rīga Technical University researcher Inga Ļašenko and the creative team from TV programme „Nordic Style” („Ziemeļu puse”) – presenters Marta Selecka and Gustavs Terzens, as well as cameraman Valdis Celmiņš. In the content of the project the main focus will be on the searching of actual proof of the new Amber Route, confirmation historical hypotheses and outlining perspectives for restoring of cultural and economic cooperation of the north-south axis. The main idea of the project is to examine long-time entrenched stereotypes about amber as archaic cultural and historical relics and the creation of a completely new image of identity of amber and Latvia.
As far as ancient European trade routes go, researchers and historians cite the Amber Route as being in the ‘top division’. Many historic manuscripts on eras as far back as the Stone and Bronze ages attest to amber being the most valuable currency of its time, but texts about the Roman Empire are a particularly rich source of ancient testimony to the significance of the Amber Route. Chemical analysis of amber can pinpoint the site of its origin and it is now understood that Baltic amber was found both in Tutankhamun’s tomb and the Seal of Solomon.
A number of expeditions are planned to explore the ancient Amber Route and they will be compiled in a TV series to be broadcast in the spring of 2014. The report of this expedition will be published on www.jlutechnologies.lv.
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- 29 Mar 2021
To prepare the brochure, information regarding research outcomes of physical and mechanical properties of amber were used, which was carried out with the financial support of the Riga 2014 Foundation within the framework of project Amber Road: Towards the Future of Latvia in the World.
Ambelika® composite amber fibers are developed in Latvia as a result of fusion of science and high tech with natural material - Baltic amber.
The main idea of creating composite amber fibers is simplicity, as the highest stage of art of intellectual activity aimed at the final result. Amber as bright gem passes through the centuries and cultural history of nations, representing by itself a unique timeline, symbolizing the link between the past, present and future. It is extraordinary and magically attractive. That is the reason why the most unique and mysterious gem of Northern Europe - Baltic amber - was chosen for the manufacturing of the new composite fibers.
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- 29 Mar 2021
No 11.līdz 16.decembrim Romā, Etrusku muzejā (jeb oficiālā vārdā Villa Giulia) tiks rīkota Baltijas nedēļa dzintara zīmē. Tai dots nosaukums Dzintara gaismā: Dzintara zemju atklāšana - Lietuva, Latvija, Igaunija., informē nodibinājuma Rīga 2014 pārstāve Aiva Rozenberga.
With help of the Latvian Embassy and involvement of Riga 2014 Baltic state press conference is planned – New discoveries of the Baltic amber: new discoveries, new knowledge, new boundaries of amber and Baltic States. Riga as Culture capital of Europe in 2014 and Latvia will be represented by professor of Corpus Christi colleague, Cambridge University Māra Kalniņš. On December 13th after the conference her book Ancient amber road: Travel from Riga to Byzantium, will be presented.
On December 14th in museum Baltic amber art display will be opened, it will be on display until March 2013. Estonian and Lithuanian exhibition will show amber jewelry, while Riga and Latvia will be represented by well known textile artist Iveta Vecenāne showing amber as historic material applications nowadays in science and art, connecting past and future. Novel material – amber thread of RTU scientist Dr. Inga Ļašenko be used (Inga has performed wide-known research on amber). This project is desire to show Riga as modern home of future amber within Riga 2014.
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- 29 Mar 2021
On December 14, 2012 in Etruscan Museum in Rome, within Baltic amber dedicated week, opened Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian artist exhibition. Riga 2014 foundation spokeswoman Aiva Rosenberg reports from Rome.
Latvia was represented by Iveta Vecenāne artist whose installation „What amber has in its mind?” is a true science and art collaboration created with Riga 2014 European Culture Capital support. She works with the amber threads, which was made thanks to modern technology by RTU scientist Dr.sc.ing. Inga Ļašenko. Installation shows the thread artistically presented amber acquisition process, as well as viewable amber thread the patent.
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- 29 Mar 2021
Latvian President Andris Bērziņš met on March 20 with Her Majesty Sylvia, Queen of Sweden, to discuss the bilateral partnership between the two countries, plans for Rīga and Umeå as the European Capitals of Culture in 2014, and the importance of a mentoring programme in which the queen is involved.
Both officials agreed that cultural links between Latvia and Sweden at this time are particularly focused on the important status of European Capital of Culture, as assigned to Rīga and Umeå in 2014. The President called for active co-operation between the two cities and added that he hopes that members of the Swedish royal family will visit Rīga and Latvia during the course of the year.
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- 29 Mar 2021
From amber to amber fibers
The idea was born in Cairo…
In 2006, in Cairo, at National Library, Dr. sc. ing. Inga Lasenko paid attention to an article about the use of amber in the ancient Egypt. It said that the ancient Egyptians used containers made of amber for blood storage, because blood doesn’t coagulate in them. It is considered that pharaohs took the blood bath, because they believed that the blood revives the dead and makes old and weak young.
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- 29 Mar 2021
On Thursday 14 March, at the Metropolitan’s residence of Kiev’s Saint Sofia Cathedral museum complex, Andris Bērziņš, President of Latvia and patron of Rīga’s 2014 European Capital of Culture year, opened an exhibition – What does amber still have in mind? Latvia. Amber. Innovation – during his official visit to Ukraine. This is a unique exhibition, created with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to promote Rīga as a 2014 European Capital of Culture and present one of Latvia’s most accomplished scientific achievements in the form of art.
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- 29 Mar 2021
The Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia. His Excellency Andris Razans and Mrs. Gunta Razane and Ms. Aiva Rozenberga, Program Director, Riga 2014 Foundation request the pleasure of your company at a reception on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00 pm at the Embassy of Latvia "Art Space"
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- 29 Mar 2021
Scarf with amber fibers
The first such scarf was made just two month ago - the order came from the Chancery of the Latvian President, which was preparing for the visit of the Queen Silvia of Sweden.
In Oder to fulfill this order, we turned to knitwear factory in Ogre (Latvia), because of its technological capabilities. This factory has the highest class textile machines.