The Fire-Resistant ECO-SMART-Textile Inga Lasenko & team (Head of Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory, Riga Technical University) offers the ECO-SMART-Textile to protect the car cabin in the event of fire inside.

The facing of car interior consists of natural (e. g., leather furnish) or artificial textile materials, which, even with a special fire-resistant treatment, lights up within a few seconds (in the case of fire source in the cabin).

In the case of such fire, every second can be decisive in order to ensure that passengers can get out from the burning vehicle.

ECO-SMART-Textile can be the best decision to protect a car cabin from fire. ECO-SMART-Textile reinforced with an innovative substance (gel and capsules) capable of extinguishing arising flames just in a few seconds.

ECO-SMART-Textile is flexible, mechanically resistant, multibendable, light and thin.

Using of the textile is a classic technique, as textiles are used in one way or another in all areas of the industry.

A number advantages of this upholstery choice can be shown: the textile base is able to take the 3D shape of the interior surface of the cabin; the interlacing of the fibers gives additional strength to the entire applique; the fibers used are natural, renewable raw materials. The composition of the textile base includes: linen, cotton and amber fibers. The raw material combination of the fibers and weaves is carefully thought out. The basis of the fabric includes: linen yarns (strength, low flammability), cotton yarns (softness, flexibility, elasticity) and composite amber fibers (patented the invention, has a brand AMBELIKA®) - unique versatile properties, the main thing is anti-fungal effect.

Condensation water (even in small quantities) can form in the cabin for various reasons, provoking the development of fungi, the spores which seriously harm human health, as well could damage the cabin interior trim. Hereby, it is very important to create a natural (non-chemical) barrier. The solution may be composite amber fibers with their unique anti-fungal properties.

The application ECO-SMART-Textile is capable to create a reliable protective barrier (test results, proposed Know-How) and is necessary for the interior of a modern, highly competitive car. The buyer will not hesitate to choose this product in the car market.

The application ECO-SMART-Textile combines perfect quality, reliability, safety, environmental friendliness, local raw materials, it is an unrivaled success and you need it for perfect car!

Read 6002 times Last modified on Sunday, 02 January 2022 22:03


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